Surface functionalization

Surface functionalization can be used to tailor surface energy in a durable manner. Using non-fluorinated ceramic-based thin-film coating, we can adjust surface properties of various material from hydrophobic to hydrophilic as illustrated below.

Adjusting surface properties with non-fluorinated ceramic-based coating.
Top to side views of a 100 microliter water droplet sitting on an Epoxy-based substrate. Left sample has been coated with 100 nanometer of superhydrophobic ceramic-based layer, middle sample is not coated, and right sample is coated with an hydrophilic recipe.

Our Parylene and ceramic-based thin-film coatings are being used more and more in medical and non-medical applications. More to come in our next newsletter…

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This year, COAT-X returns to Anaheim, CA, not for the MD&M show as we used to, but for the IPC APEX EXPO from March 18

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Electronica 2024

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